- Valuation Surveyor
- Specialist in landlord and tenant
- Long experience of giving expert evidence
- Over 40 years of professional property work, as well as property and business management
- Direct experience and understanding of property development and investment
- Involvement in leading cases in his field
- Member of RICS Working Group on leasehold enfranchisement
- Member of the steering group of the RICS Dilapidations Forum
- Member of the Council of NARA – the association of property and fixed charge receivers
- Specialisms within landlord and tenant
Landlord’s valuer in leading cases on dilapidations: Shortlands1; Simmons v Dresden2; and Bruntwood3. Member of the RICS Dilapidations Working Group during the drafting of the previous two editions of the RICS Guidance Note on dilapidations. Current member of the RICS Dilapidations Forum Steering Group.
Many appearances at the Leasehold Valuation Tribunal – now the First Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber); several at the Lands Tribunal, now the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber):
One of the four valuers in Sportelli4 – the leading case on deferment rate.
The landlord’s valuer in Arrowdell5, which addressed leasehold relativity.
One of several valuers in the Nailrile6 series of cases, dealing with leasehold relativity and the valuation of intermediate landlords’ interests.
Member of the RICS Leasehold Reform Working Group which, at the behest of the Lands Tribunal in Arrowdell, produced the RICS Research Report “Leasehold reform: RICS graphs of relativity” in July 2009. Member of the working group which produced the RICS Guidance Note “Leasehold Reform in England and Wales” (second edition) in 2011.
An RICS Registered Property Receiver and on the Council of NARA. Drafted their Guidance Note 19 on the Receiver’s role as landlord and Guidance Note 12 on leasehold property. Manages the cyclical updating of all other Guidance Notes.
A proponent of value investment in property, and a small investor.
- Honours degree in Economics
- Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Practising as Beckett and Kay in partnership with Richard D Kay FRICS, initially in the West End of London, latterly in the City of London. Specialising in landlord and tenant, property management and specialist valuation work. Particular emphasis on damage to the reversion in dilapidations cases, leasehold enfranchisement, and recovery (with a landlord and tenant component).
1991 – 1997
With Kemp Hawley, Chartered Surveyors in Covent Garden. Deeply involved in property management, valuation, Court and arbitration work, rent review and agency. Agency work covering mainly the letting and acquisition of offices and shops. Latterly specialising in the sale, purchase, valuation and management of secondary commercial investments.
1987 – 1991
Own property business in property trading, investment and development.
1970 – 1987
Partner (later senior partner) in Becketts, a firm of residential Estate Agents with six offices based around Harrow. The business was sold to Hogg Robinson in 1987. Responsible for the overall management of the business and for all the firm’s professional and commercial work.
1 Shortlands Investments Ltd v Cargill plc [1995] 1EGLR 51
2Simmons v. Dresden [2004] EWHC 993 (TCC)
3 Bruntwood 2000 First Properties Ltd v British Telecommunications plc [2008] (unreported)
4 Cadogan v Sportelli and other cases [2006] (At the Lands Tribunal: LRA/50/2005 and other cases) [2007] (At the Court of Appeal: EWCA Civ 1042) [2008] (At the House of Lords: UKHL 71)
5 Flats 36-65, Coniston Court, Holland Road, Hove – Arrowdell Ltd v Coniston Court (North) Hove Ltd [2006] (LRA/72/2005) [2007] RVR 39
6 Nailrile Ltd v Earl Cadogan and anor and other cases [2008] (LRA/114/2006 and other references)
Please contact Peter Beckett on +44 (0) 20 7439 6667 or use the form below.