Dispute Resolution: A review of the RICS Dilapidations Scheme for Expert Determination (This article first appeared in the Journal of Building … [Read More...]
Dispute Resolution: A review of the RICS Dilapidations Scheme
Diminution Valuation Simplified
This is about how a diminution valuation simplified using an imaginary claim with only one effective difference between the parties. A pdf of the full … [Read More...]
Break Clause Conditions – A Legal Minefield
Operating a break clause is not simply a case of submitting a formal notice to terminate the lease in accordance with the break clause conditions. … [Read More...]
Tenant Guide to Landlord Disrepair Claims
The expiry of a lease presents a landlord with the possibility of an income void lasting many months, which has an even greater impact in a difficult … [Read More...]
Diminution valuation in dilapidations cases
Critique of the "Stand In The Street" method - in contrast to the Shortlands residual valuation method THE CRUDE "STAND IN THE STREET" … [Read More...]
Head tenant held liable for disrepairs outside demise
A residential long leaseholder may be liable without notice to his subtenant under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 for disrepairs to communal areas … [Read More...]
Can Empty Rates be Avoided During Refurbishment Works?
In a case concerning liability to empty rates the Court of Appeal found that an office in the middle of a scheme of refurbishment and not actually fit … [Read More...]
Why is the Landlord’s Intention Relevant to Dilapidations?
Why is the landlord’s intention relevant to dilapidations at the end of the lease term? This paper was written for the RICS Dilapidations Forum … [Read More...]